The success of online casinos in Canada is also due to various things it has to offer to its users in the long run, like bonuses, promotions, games, and payment methods. Another reason for its rise in popularity in Canada is the digital technology being implemented in them. In this article, we will be listing a few of the technologies being used by Canadian online casinos.

Live Casino Technology

The live casino industry in Canada has been around for a long time, as early as 1998. As technology continues to leap, so are the online casino games and platforms as they also continue to adopt the latest technology to their platforms. Today, you can live to stream your favorite casino game from anywhere. To ensure its adoption, online casinos had to use sophisticated tools to monitor and control the flow of the game being played. This is where the Game Control Unit (GCU) comes in. As it is what most online casinos use to bring the technology to life. With the GCU, online casinos were able to transmit and receive video feeds at high speeds, and it also helps the live dealer in monitoring the players involved, in case a delay happens.

SSL Protocols

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was first introduced to the world back in 1995. Its sole purpose was to ensure privacy, authentication, and maximum security. The SSL encrypts all communication between the clients and their online casino platforms. It is the best form of security being adopted to protect online transactions and private data.  The SSL Protocols are being implemented by online casinos in Canada to ensure not only the safety of their clients but also to protect their own data from being accessed by third parties that have nothing to do with them. The SSL encrypts all data being exchanged by both the clients and casino platforms. You can easily tell if an online casino uses SSL by checking its URL. If the web address is HTTP, then it is not being used by the platform. But if it’s HTTP (HTTP Secure), then it is an encrypted website that uses SSL.

24/7 Support

In every reputable online casino in Canada, you are bound to see a 24hr customer service ready to give an answer to all the issues you might be experiencing or to make any inquiries. This was made possible thanks to the implementation of technology. The technology being used to make this possible is the webserver software. It can be used with either a Linux or Windows platform. Every online casino uses this software to develop a reliable customer care platform and other kinds of stuff like chats, email responses, loyalty programs, and personalization.


There are several technologies being used by online casinos in Canada. To ensure ease of use for their customers, like Virtual Reality (VR), 5G internet, and many more. As technology continues to advance and evolve, the gaming industry will also be taking a leap. Along with it as it serves to give the best experience to its customers.

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